& Milon

Why does WeightTrainer
make sense for Milon?

It's just a great fit

All reaserch points to the importance of strength training during periods of weight loss. Our target group usually don’t have much training experience and we believe training in the Milon circle is perfect for WeightTrainer participants.

Strengthen Milons position as a business partner

WeightTrainer can become a new, effective tool that can be used when Milon representatives talk about the business opportunities that can be created by investing in Milon machines.

Creating profitability for your customers

WeightTrainer is very profitable for our licensees. On average our licensees get an yearly revenue boost of €150-200 000 with a profit of €75 000. 

More profit leads to more investments

With increased profit we create the opportunity for further future investments from your customers.

How it works

WeightTrainer is a 90 day weight loss program exclusively for gyms and fitness clubs, that we run with great success in Sweden. We are very proud that WeightTrainer creates great results for the participants and at the same time it’s very profitable for our licensees.

As today we have about 100 licensees in Sweden and are growing 30-50% yearly.

WeightTrainer combines group exercise, personal coaching and a very easy to use diet program. Our WeightTrainer app guides the participant day by day through the program. The app also can be used to chat with their coach, get recipes etc.

Participants meet and train together 1-2 times per week with a coach. In addition to this, they train on their own and take power walks a couple of times each week.

Due to the fact that the group meets on a regular basis and trains together at their local gym, we create a unique group dynamic where participants feel a sense of belonging. We hear all the time how they really appreciate their group and their coach and that they, for the first time feel, that they are not alone in their situation. They face challenges together, encourage each other and get ongoing support from their coach.

This creates a “stickiness” and a very high proportion of participants complete the program.


Enhanced by tech

To create a better customer experience and ensure that each participant receives the right information at the right time, we have built an app that guides the participant through the 90-day program. The app also includes recipes, the ability to order products, and to chat with their coach. We have integrated the app with Inbody, which means that measurements taken with an Inbody scale automatically go to the customer’s profile.

In addition to this, we have also built a backend for all coaches where they can manage and administer their clients.  

Ready for GLP1

An important addition to our concept is that we now also can include GLP1 medicine to customers who medically qualify for this. As far as we know, this makes us the first European company that can offer gyms a turn key solution for weight loss that includes diet, exercise and GLP1 medicine.

We have made this possible through our exclusive partnership with Yazen, the market leader in medical weight loss in Sweden. Yazen is also established in Germany, which means we will be able to offer the same service there as well.


5 reasons WeightTrainer is so popular in Sweden

It is very profitable for the gym owner

A licensee can on average expect an yearly increased revenue of €150-200,000 and a profit of €75,000. A licensee will hit these numbers with just 100 yearly participants.

We create amazing results for our participants

Many of our participants lose 10-12 kg during the program. It is not uncommon to lose up to 20 kg. Since many love the program they tend to the stick as members – wich also is an important secondary effect for our licensees.

WeightTrainer attracts a new target group

Today obesity and overweight unfortunately are becoming increasingly common – and there is a great demand for help in losing weight. Our experience is that many gyms miss this opportunity – and continue to primarily market training. With WeightTrainer our licensees become much more relevant to this growing target group.

We let the gym focus on their core business

We want our licensees to focus on delivering a good training experience and helping the customer achieve their goals.

We have streamlined the process for becoming a licensee and we offer active support both during the initial startup phase and as long as they are part of the WeightTrainer family as licensees. We train their staff (online), we help them plan when to start their next group and have for all various questions a very active support team. 

Efficient marketing

Our inhouse marketing team takes care of all marketing and lead generation (including ad optimization for Facebook and Instagram) to ensure they spend minimal on marketing with maximum effect.

In Sweden, our customers pay an average of €25-30 in lead cost for a participant. The cost of filling a WeightTrainer group of 15 people is about €400. The revenue is €20,000. It’s simply good business.

We let the results speak for themselves

Finally, we want to let some of our customers tell you what WeightTrainer has meant to them. We are incredibly proud to work every day to change people’s lives for the better. We believe and hope that together with you at Milon, we can be a strong force in helping people across Europe to lose weight and find a healthy and strong lifestyle.